A Motorcycle Accident That Changed Everything

Scott Jacobs’ Motorcycle Accident 2016

As many of you already know through social media, newspaper articles, and phone calls, Scott endured a traumatic injury during the 2016 Motorcycle Cannonball.

scott jacobs in maryland hospital after motorcycle accident

For those that aren’t up to speed…

Scott and Sharon signed up to race their two 1915 Harley-Davidson F Head’s across the country.  They started in New Jersey and planned to finish the race in California.  The race would take 17 days alongside 70-100 other racers.

Day 2 of the Cannonball

The morning when everything changed, Scott got dressed in his kevlar Rev’It jeans, leather coat, gloves and helmet.  Sharon and he hopped on their motorcycles to start the day on the wide open road. 

Scott was in for a surprise when he rounded a bend and came upon a road full of gravel.

In an effort to save himself from being run over by intersecting traffic ahead, he attempted to lay his motorcycle down since his brakes had already locked up and there were no other options.

As he slid across the ice-like road as if he were a dirt track racer, his left foot peg stuck into the road and catapulted him into the air.  Before landing, Scott quickly moved his head out of the way to avoid breaking his neck.  All of his weight and force came crashing down on his right shoulder – his painting arm…

scott jacobs on stretcher going to hospital after motorcycle accident

Scott sat himself upright in the middle of the road frozen in disbelief.  He was unable to scoot himself onto the shoulder without help from strangers that pulled over to assist him. 

He grabbed his phone and immediately called Sharon who was broken down only two miles away.  She got his phone call and luckily had a member of the race staff with her so he could ride her to Scott.  The ambulance and police were there to rush him to the hospital where he’d stay for almost a week.

scott jacobs heading to hospital after accident on vintage motorcycle Cannonball Run

The Aftermath

His accident caused a four-part humerus fracture, 75% bicep tear, and full shoulder replacement.

The X-rays below show Scott’s broken humeral bone and the swollen deltoid surrounding it.  The bottom half of the X-rays show his new artificial humeral bone after the surgery.

scott jacobs' shoulder surgery before and after

Scott is currently undergoing Physical Therapy three times a week where they will improve his mobility, break up scar tissue and hopefully teach him how to hold a pen again.  He is expected to continue therapy for another 3-6 months before he can consider picking up a paintbrush…

We appreciate all of your love and support in this difficult time.  Keep sending us your words of encouragement.  I can only imagine how hard this is for him.



  1. Deborah Schmidt on 10/25/2016 at 7:02 PM

    Scott, so glad to see you’re on the road to recovery! Physical therapy is a vital part of the process, stick with it. My husband and I are huge fans of your work, both for your realism style and your themes, as we are Harley folks! You’ll be painting again really soon, take care of yourself in the meantime. Sending white light your way!

  2. Salut Amis Letty on 10/25/2016 at 7:07 PM

    Blessings Scott God will heal your pain and your broken bones. We need your talent in art but your recovery is most important. Hope you get well soon.

  3. Theresa on 10/25/2016 at 10:30 PM

    You got this Scott!!! Your on my nightly prayer list and in the morning when I get up I send out healing light and peace…. joy! A lil birdie told me for you not to worry you’ll be good as new. Healing energy is on it’s way! In the morning when you rise I want you to say this, Good as new! When you go to sleep at night the same thing, say Good as new! Jesus is my best friend and he’s my lil birdie, he’s been with me my whole life and boy did I need him! Bless you Scott and you’re whole family! Great things are coming of this I’m sure be on the look out! Smile somebody loves you allot!

  4. Gregg on 10/26/2016 at 11:59 AM

    The picture of you crashing is one that we wish you never painted. But seeing you bounce back will be more memorable!
    Praying for a full recovery and return to your fascinating life. Easier knowing how close and supportive your family is.

  5. Sylvia from Germany on 10/26/2016 at 2:02 PM

    All my best wishes and a fast recovery. But I know from myself you need to be patient….
    All the best!!

  6. Lindajo on 10/26/2016 at 9:59 PM

    The key to recovery through physical therapy is patience. It can be a very slow process. Hang in there and do the exercises faithfully. Never give up. A year from now, perhaps two, you will be back to normal. The strength and dexterity will return..just takes time.

  7. Bruce on 01/30/2017 at 7:39 PM

    Hey it”s the fat guy in KC with the tattoo on his ear. I just found out…My prayers are for your speedy recovery!

    • Olivia Jacobs on 01/31/2017 at 9:02 AM

      Hi Bruce,

      Haha I like how to refer to yourself. 😛

      Scott is doing well, thank you for your prayers!

  8. Ron James on 07/02/2020 at 4:54 PM

    Scott, My wife and I met you in Reno several years back. Several of my friends still race Motorcycles into their 60’s. We meet in Southern California for Retrocross ( Motocross for old guys ) Of course the injury’s are part of the deal. I myself have been lucky but you never know. Take care hope you recover 100%. Ron James.

    • Olivia Jacobs on 07/22/2020 at 1:51 PM

      Injuries are never fun, but we’re happy he’s still alive! Thank you, Ron.