Harley & Indian Wine in Simple Pleasures Suite

scott jacobs with his finished Indian motorcycle wine painting, Native Glow

Indian painting, “Native Glow” In 2006, Scott merged two of his favorite things – Harley-Davidson and wine – into a new genre of artwork.  The first four images sold out within weeks making his Harley-Davidson wine series Scott’s fastest selling series of his career. Since “Members Only“, the first painting of the series, he has…

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The Last of the Shadow Series, “Play It Forward”

How It All Began… In 2017, Scott had an idea to start a new genre that he would eventually call The Shadow Series. “This series represents the imagination we all had as children. It symbolizes the dreams we had at a young age that we hoped would some day become true in adulthood,” said Scott.…

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Scott’s 2019 Sturgis Painting

Close up of Scott Jacobs' hand working on the 2019 Sturgis Rally painting

How it Got Started Every year, Scott releases a painting for the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.  To be ahead of the game, we started brainstorming ideas early in the winter. That’s when the idea to do a photo contest came up.  Scott had done one once before in 1998 and received over 700 submissions, which is…

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Monthly Masterpiece, “Face To Face”

2009 – Scott’s Official Sturgis Painting This painting depicts a story of a biker pulling over to admire Mount Rushmore for the first time.  He sits on his bagger and contemplates the complexity and beauty of such an iconic American landmark, hence the title, “Face to Face”. Few people know that the model in the…

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