A New Collaboration: “Live to Ride” Watch

Our Introduction to Cuervo y Sobrinos

Before I begin, I want to state that my dad and husband, Jared, are buddies.  They always share their newest discoveries with each other like tasty scotch and cool American-made clothing brands they find on Poshmark.

One night on our Cuban cruise in January 2019, Scott and Jared walked into the ship’s jewelry store while we were at sea.  Scott was looking to collect a new watch and wanted Jared’s opinion while he browsed.

Jared began reading about a Cuban watch company called Cuervo y Sobrinos and the celebrities they attracted like Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Ernest Hemingway, and Clark Gable.  Jared had just finished reading “For Whom the Bell Tolls”, so when he read that Hemingway was a collector, he told Scott that he should look at their collection.

After being shown their inventory, Scott loved the elegant designs and rich history so much that he ordered one straight from their catalog.

alexa jacobs, sharon jacobs, scott jacobs, olivia jacobs-chrisman and jared chrisman on a cuban cruise

Read the Blog on Cuba

When the order went into their system, Curtis, from Cuervo’s US distribution office and former Park West employee, immediately recognized Scott’s name.  He searched the city and Scott’s name just to make sure it was the same person he thought it was.  Sure enough, the order going to Deadwood, South Dakota was the same Scott Jacobs he’d learned about while working for Park West Gallery!

Curtis went to his boss, Marek and mentioned that an artist had just placed an order for a watch.  They had been making a list of a few artists they wanted Cuervo y Sobrinos to collaborate with.  At the same time, Marek had received a message from Jared sharing that his father-in-law, Scott Jacobs, was interested in using their watches in his paintings.

Can you say we were meant to work together or what?!

History of Cuervo y Sobrinos

Founder, Ramón Cuervo, opened his first atelier and boutique in 1882.  His nephew, Armando Rio Cuervo, got involved in 1900 to help build the brand, hence the name Cuervo y Sobrinos – “Cuervo and Nephews”.

Over the next 50 years, Cuervo y Sobrinos became one of the most important watchmaking brands and distributors in the world.  When celebrities visited Havana, they made it a point to stop in the famous boutique on San Rafael Avenue.

After the political events that occurred in Cuba in the late 1950’s, the company went dormant for 40 years.  It wasn’t until 2002 that Marzio Villa officially relaunched the brand and their status and success picked up right where it left off!

1900, cuervo y sobrinos' first boutique in cuba

Cuervo y Sobrinos and Scott Jacobs Collaborate

A few conference calls and signed contracts later, we officially began brainstorming together!  The next question was, which painting to start this new relationship?

“Working with Cuervo was easy,” said Scott.  “After choosing the painting, I had input on the case and band I thought would look best with the artwork.  They made sure I was part of the planning at every stage.”

scott jacobs cuervo y sobrinos collaboration watch linescott jacobs works on new cuervo y sobrinos watches

Using “Live to Ride”

“I chose ‘Live to Ride’ because it is the most well-known image I’ve ever done.  It was the first painting Harley-Davidson Corporate saw that got me licensed with the Motor Company.  It helped kickstart my art career over 25 years ago, so I thought it might bring the same good luck starting a watch line with Cuervo y Sobrinos,” shared Scott.

scott jacobs cuervo y sobrinos Live to Ride watch

This partnership has sparked the beginning of having timepieces for those who appreciate the imagination of creative minds like Scott.

We hope you’re as excited as we are to see Scott’s most iconic painting become wearable art!scott jacobs new watch, live to ride watches

Click to view what’s available.



  1. […] You can see the first motorcycle watch and its story here. […]