A New Patriotic Painting

Scott has been working his butt off, like usual, but the paintings he’s been creating lately have followed the same theme: Patriotism.

The Making of “America First”

The first image we’ll discuss is a bit different than what you’d expect from Scott.

“I’ve been painting photorealism for over three decades.  With this style, I’m controlled by the image.  If it’s a motorcycle I’m painting, it looks exactly like the photo.  I can’t really stray from my reference photo.

With “America First”, I had the artistic freedom to express myself and the way I feel about the state of our country.”

Step 1

With this first painting, Scott started a base layer which was a loose rendering of our American Flag. After layers upon layers of the same paint colors, he was ready for the next step.

Scott Jacobs working on a patriotic painting of an American flag

Step 2

This is when the fun colors were added in a way that isn’t common in Scott’s work.  He used colors lying around the studio and began dragging/dripping them across the image with different paintbrushes to avoid muddying the colors.

From there, he began Step 3, which is his marbleization technique, but that’s secret. 😉

Step 3


Step 4

Next, Scott added “We the People” across the center of the painting.  Once the paint dried, he added 23k variegated gold leaf over it and let everything dry.

I asked Scott what the hardest part of this painting was and he shared, “the most stressful and time-consuming part of the painting was determining what to write below We the People!  I wanted to add a phrase that brought people together and didn’t continue the national division we’re experiencing.”

While Scott, Jimi and Jackie were in the studio discussing what to add, Scott’s personal DJ on Spotify said “and coming up is America first with ‘Horse With No Name'”.

That’s when Jimi looked at her team and said, “what about America First?”

“The timing was impeccable! It was serendipitous because we were deciding right then and there what to add when the DJ spoke up” said Scott.

Step 5

Now that Scott felt like the painting was finished, it was time to bring the Gallery team upstairs to get their initial reactions.

Overall, everyone loved the colors and message.

Step 6

Since it got the team’s approval, he needed to display it in the Gallery to see what our collectors and Deadwood Visitors thought of it.

Scott spoke to a couple ladies and their husbands about the piece and were in love with the overall creation.

Scott Jacobs showing the completed patriotic painting, America first to two women in Jacobs Gallery Deadwood

New Release, “America First”

“Our country is in such a weird place.  We point the finger at the “other side” rather than come together to discuss how we can improve our nation.

I don’t think anyone could disagree with the phrase, America First so it was the perfect phrase in my opinion” explains Scott.

Scott Jacobs with his completed patriotic painting, America first

Available in TWO Sizes

87 Prints at 29″ X 21″

 5 Hand-Embellished Prints at 36″ X 26″